Canada is the world’s sixth-largest wheat producer exporting about 15 million tonnes to about 70 countries while producing more than 25 million tonnes each year. Wheat is Canada’s most important and cultivated crop, growing several classes of wheat classified by colour, hardness, as well as the region in which it was grown.
Wheat was first introduced to Canada from Asia, Africa, and Europe in the early 1600’s. Some of these wheat varieties presented farmers with challenging situations as harsh weather conditions proved to be difficult to manage. Over the years pioneers developed varying cultivars which were fine-tuned to thrive in the Canadian conditions.
Canada Red Spring Wheat: Hard, high protein, balanced gluten, most widely grown, excellent milling and baking quality, ideal for hearth bread, flat bread, noodles, and Asian products as well as high-volume pan bread. (Food Vault Wheat)
Some of the typical uses for wheat involve the process of baked good, pastas, and feed for livestock but it is also used to make beer, vodka, and biofuel. The gluten content in wheat aids in the fermentation and rising properties of dough, making for an excellent soft and light bread.
Hard grains such as wheat and corn, among others, can be stored for long-term as they are less affected by moisture and temperature changes. If stored properly, such as in a food grade container or with an oxygen absorber wheat can be stored for up to 30 years. It is believed that the variety Khorasan or Kamut came from sprouting wheat berries that were buried with King Tut thousands of years ago.